Job Seekers

Job Seekers – We’re Here for You!
The Negev region is undergoing an exciting transformation, making it a central and attractive hub. We understand that a workplace is a cornerstone of family life, and we are committed to connecting you with the most stable and high-quality employment opportunities in the south, ensuring job security and financial stability.At our center, you can take advantage of a wide range of services and activities: centralized interview days, career counseling, high-quality courses, workshops led by Israel’s top lecturers and advisors – and much more!

Our Services

Connecting You to Leading Employers in the North

With over a decade of experience working with employers in the Galilee and Northern regions, we’ve built a network of connections with the best companies looking for employees. Our expertise allows us to offer you the most sought-after jobs in the Galilee.

Centralized Interview Days

Instead of spending several days attending individual interviews, we organize centralized interview days featuring top employers actively seeking new hires. These events provide an excellent opportunity to meet various employers and network with fellow job seekers.

Resume Writing and Job Interview Preparation Workshops

Crafting a professional resume is the gateway to your job search, and it’s a critical step. Our workshops, led by top industry experts, will guide you in creating effective resumes and preparing thoroughly for interviews.

Career Guidance and Employment Counseling

With in-depth knowledge of the local population and industry, we offer personalized career guidance to help you find roles that align with your skills and aspirations.

אירועים קרובים

אין אירועים בשלב זה

אירועים קרובים

יום ראיונות

מרכז לאודר וימ"ר דרום מזמינים אתכם להגיש מועמדות

מרכז לאודר, באר שבע

מחפשים עבודה
לאודר נגב
יום ראיונות

מרכז לאודר וימ"ר דרום מזמינים אתכם להגיש מועמדות

מרכז לאודר, באר שבע

מחפשים עבודה
לאודר נגב
יום ראיונות

מרכז לאודר וימ"ר דרום מזמינים אתכם להגיש מועמדות

מרכז לאודר, באר שבע

מחפשים עבודה
לאודר נגב
יום ראיונות

מרכז לאודר וימ"ר דרום מזמינים אתכם להגיש מועמדות

מרכז לאודר, באר שבע

מחפשים עבודה
לאודר נגב
יום ראיונות

מרכז לאודר וימ"ר דרום מזמינים אתכם להגיש מועמדות

מרכז לאודר, באר שבע

מחפשים עבודה
לאודר נגב
יום ראיונות

מרכז לאודר וימ"ר דרום מזמינים אתכם להגיש מועמדות

מרכז לאודר, באר שבע

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Name of the recommender.E
Company Name/Organization

Recommendation of a graduate. Loram Ipsum Dolor Sit Amt, Adiphissing Alit Luram Ipsum Dolor Sit Amt, Consecteur Adifissing Alit. Seth Almankum Nissi Nunn predicted. Des Iacolis Wolofta Diem. Vestibulum at Dolor, Caras Agate Lactus and Val Augo and Stivulum Solisi Tidum in Alik. Loram Ipsum Dolor Cit Amt, Consecteur Adifissing Ealith. Seth Almankum Nissi Nunn predicted. Des Iacolis Wolofta Diem. Vestibulum at Dolor, Caras Agate Lactus and Val Augo and Stivulum Solisi Tidum in Alik.

Name of the recommender.E
Company Name/Organization

Recommendation of a graduate. Loram Ipsum Dolor Sit Amt, Adiphissing Alit Luram Ipsum Dolor Sit Amt, Consecteur Adifissing Alit. Seth Almankum Nissi Nunn predicted. Des Iacolis Wolofta Diem. Vestibulum at Dolor, Caras Agate Lactus and Val Augo and Stivulum Solisi Tidum in Alik. Loram Ipsum Dolor Cit Amt, Consecteur Adifissing Ealith. Seth Almankum Nissi Nunn predicted. Des Iacolis Wolofta Diem. Vestibulum at Dolor, Caras Agate Lactus and Val Augo and Stivulum Solisi Tidum in Alik.

Name of the recommender.E
Company Name/Organization

Recommendation of a graduate. Loram Ipsum Dolor Sit Amt, Adiphissing Alit Luram Ipsum Dolor Sit Amt, Consecteur Adifissing Alit. Seth Almankum Nissi Nunn predicted. Des Iacolis Wolofta Diem. Vestibulum at Dolor, Caras Agate Lactus and Val Augo and Stivulum Solisi Tidum in Alik. Loram Ipsum Dolor Cit Amt, Consecteur Adifissing Ealith. Seth Almankum Nissi Nunn predicted. Des Iacolis Wolofta Diem. Vestibulum at Dolor, Caras Agate Lactus and Val Augo and Stivulum Solisi Tidum in Alik.

Name of the recommender.E
Company Name/Organization

Recommendation of a graduate. Loram Ipsum Dolor Sit Amt, Adiphissing Alit Luram Ipsum Dolor Sit Amt, Consecteur Adifissing Alit. Seth Almankum Nissi Nunn predicted. Des Iacolis Wolofta Diem. Vestibulum at Dolor, Caras Agate Lactus and Val Augo and Stivulum Solisi Tidum in Alik. Loram Ipsum Dolor Cit Amt, Consecteur Adifissing Ealith. Seth Almankum Nissi Nunn predicted. Des Iacolis Wolofta Diem. Vestibulum at Dolor, Caras Agate Lactus and Val Augo and Stivulum Solisi Tidum in Alik.